Zoe Brand - 2014
With the weight of the world on your shoulders
Brass, paint, rope
This work is a satirical appropriation of a large warning sign that is ubiquitous on Australian roads and highways. ‘WRONG WAY, GO BACK’ leaves no doubt as to its meaning and indeed cautions the misguided of potential dangers ahead. This work alludes to uneasiness with our current political and cultural climate, one that is full of ignorance from all sides. How far until there is no going back?
Zoe Brand (2014)
“A Failure to Communicate, More or Less”
an ongoing series of signs
powdercoated aluminum, cord
140 ∅ x 0.5mm (cord length 50mm)
each sign is in an edition of 3
"I see possibility in mundane, everyday throwaway statements. I collect, examine and remove them from conversation and build the text into signs. I wonder how a sign is read when the context of its placement changes from wall to body?"